Wonder Woman against the Furry, and space undead at the park
Wonder Woman against the Furry creature
Oddly enough, I could write a book or two about the cosplay and fetishes that have sprung up about the character Wonder woman. A brief synopsis will help underscore why this is...In 1940, educational consultant William Moulton Marston (aka Charles Moulton) wanted to create a female counterpart to the male comic book heroes. He devised a unconventional woman hero who was as strong as her male counterparts but still had femine qualities. Marston had an unconventional marriage with his wife and assistant, and his belief of a strong and liberated woman infused his work on Wonder woman. The character was an amazonian princess brought back to do good for the world of men, and her weakness was that she lost her strength when her bracelets were bound together. She had superstength, bulletproof bracets, and a magic lasso that compelled the person to tell the truth and obey commands. Martson also had pioneered the blood pressure test which led to the development of the lie detector(I did find it amusing to think that lie detectors all have a connection to the lasso of truth). In those early issues of Wonder Woman, there is a undercurrent of domination and bondage themes..whether they were intentionally put in there or subconscious desires of Marston is anyone's guess. After the death of Marston, writers have given Wonder woman many normal comic book adventures and she is now (deservedly) one of the original heroes from the golden era that still resonate today.
She has several adaptions (the show from the 70's starring Linda Carter being the most popular to the scrapped adaption by David Kelly being the most recent). I surprised to see an explosion of one clip from the Linda Carter show being the focus of several blogs, boards, and user created content. In it an ape creature called Gargantua who is being manipulated into fighting Wonder woman. Watching the clip in context, it's another comic book adventure for our amazonian princess where she again saves the day and thwarts the plans of the bad guys using Gargantua. Taken out of context, this clip in a weird way showcases the underlying themes of Marston.
(Wonder Woman is property of DC comics)
There are more themes and contexts with Wonder woman, but that's for another blog...
Space Undead at the Park (more Ectovision madness)

The very first thing shot for Ectovision. It was shot early Dec. 2008. At this point, Ectovision was only going to be 20 minutes long, and I came up with a superhero script to be shot quickly on a saturday afternoon. It was a simple script, and it was shot outside where the tempertature was in the single digits (yes, I was insane)...it is the first impression of 'Z ghost' hero and of the always horny 'Mayor of Metric city' (Keith Dodson)...Stacey Gillespie as 'Mr. Scratch' and Todd Burrows as horrified spectator and demonhead zombie along with Vesta Blanka as the ghoul gal.
The demonhead zombie noise is actually me yelling out off camera 'Todd come here!' that was slowed down in the editing...I liked it so much...it became the noise for that creature.
It's still rough, but I thought it would be cool to share...enjoy!
Oddly enough, I could write a book or two about the cosplay and fetishes that have sprung up about the character Wonder woman. A brief synopsis will help underscore why this is...In 1940, educational consultant William Moulton Marston (aka Charles Moulton) wanted to create a female counterpart to the male comic book heroes. He devised a unconventional woman hero who was as strong as her male counterparts but still had femine qualities. Marston had an unconventional marriage with his wife and assistant, and his belief of a strong and liberated woman infused his work on Wonder woman. The character was an amazonian princess brought back to do good for the world of men, and her weakness was that she lost her strength when her bracelets were bound together. She had superstength, bulletproof bracets, and a magic lasso that compelled the person to tell the truth and obey commands. Martson also had pioneered the blood pressure test which led to the development of the lie detector(I did find it amusing to think that lie detectors all have a connection to the lasso of truth). In those early issues of Wonder Woman, there is a undercurrent of domination and bondage themes..whether they were intentionally put in there or subconscious desires of Marston is anyone's guess. After the death of Marston, writers have given Wonder woman many normal comic book adventures and she is now (deservedly) one of the original heroes from the golden era that still resonate today.
She has several adaptions (the show from the 70's starring Linda Carter being the most popular to the scrapped adaption by David Kelly being the most recent). I surprised to see an explosion of one clip from the Linda Carter show being the focus of several blogs, boards, and user created content. In it an ape creature called Gargantua who is being manipulated into fighting Wonder woman. Watching the clip in context, it's another comic book adventure for our amazonian princess where she again saves the day and thwarts the plans of the bad guys using Gargantua. Taken out of context, this clip in a weird way showcases the underlying themes of Marston.
(Wonder Woman is property of DC comics)
There are more themes and contexts with Wonder woman, but that's for another blog...
Space Undead at the Park (more Ectovision madness)

The very first thing shot for Ectovision. It was shot early Dec. 2008. At this point, Ectovision was only going to be 20 minutes long, and I came up with a superhero script to be shot quickly on a saturday afternoon. It was a simple script, and it was shot outside where the tempertature was in the single digits (yes, I was insane)...it is the first impression of 'Z ghost' hero and of the always horny 'Mayor of Metric city' (Keith Dodson)...Stacey Gillespie as 'Mr. Scratch' and Todd Burrows as horrified spectator and demonhead zombie along with Vesta Blanka as the ghoul gal.
The demonhead zombie noise is actually me yelling out off camera 'Todd come here!' that was slowed down in the editing...I liked it so much...it became the noise for that creature.
It's still rough, but I thought it would be cool to share...enjoy!
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