Victoria Cosplay, and the evil occult master Funny man!
A well known figure in the world of cosplay, Victoria Cosplay, allowed spandex and monster to pick her curtains please...Victoria Cosplay!
Victoria, what brought you to the world of cosplay?
I went to the very first Wizard World Philadelphia convention years ago and saw people there dressed in costume. The ones that were most memorable to me were a couple dressed as Harley Quinn and the Joker and a model who was dressed as Wonder Woman. That was the first time I had seen cosplayers in person. A few years later (in 2006) I saw a picture online of a beautiful Japanese woman dressed as Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2. I was so impressed by the quality of the costume (as well as the photography) that I decided to try it for myself and have been cosplaying ever since.
What are your favorite characters to perform?
That would have to be Catwoman. She's smart, sassy, sexy and dangerous. I am very comfortable walking around as Selina. I'm alot like her and I feel like I look the most like her out of all my characters.
How has been the reaction to your work?
OMG it's been insane! It's to the point where I can't take a few steps at a convention or a show without being stopped. I'm still not use to people I don't know yelling my name out for a photo or because they want to talk to me. I've been the subject of so much amazing fan art and have been featured on many websites. This year I was named "The Queen of Cosplay" by two Japanese websites. My work in cosplay has also lead to amazing career opportunities. I became an official Slave Leia model for Gentle Giant Studios and have the pleasure of working at the San Diego Comic Con every year. Entertainment Weekly did an entire story on me getting ready for Comic Con and I was hired by a website to cosplay Japanese pop star Hatsune Miku. I also get free access to certain shows which is very, very cool and have made friends with some incredible people within the industry.
What comic book, science fiction, or fantasy universe holds the most sway with you?
That's an easy answer; the DC Universe. I grew up watching the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman series, the Tim Burton Batman movies and the Christopher Reeves Superman films. I've been a fan of DC since I was nine years old. They have the most iconic characters in comics and words can't express my love for them.
If people wanted to find out more about you, where should they go?
Oh I'm all over the internet My official website is:
I also have a Facebook Fan Page at:
a Twitter account:
My Blog:
Deviant Art:
and Flickr:
What does the future hold for you?
Next year I will be shooting with some of the best cosplayers in the country! I'm very excited about that! I'll be attending the Wizard World Philly, San Diego Comic Con and Dragon Con next year. If I attend anymore shows I will post in on the web. I'll also be featured in the Filipino edition of FHM Magazine soon and working on more modeling. Hopefully I can squeeze a brand new costume in there too!

Muchas gracias Victoria!
The evil occult master Funny Man! (more Ectovision madness!)
In this demo clip, Zghost confers with Dark Dominator about the evil occult master Funny Man!
Steve Guynn is the evil Eye Triad monster, I play Z ghost, Claude Miles is Dark Dominator, and Stacey Gillespie is the nasty Funnyman! I guess if Z ghost is a homage parody to the phantom, and Dark Dominator is a hippie Dark knight...Funny Man is a combination of the Joker and Felix Faust. The Magma Atomic sequence with Vesta Blanka was actually shot in late 2007 for my film, Queen of the Cursed World, and it didn't fit there but works perfectly in the crazy universe of spandex and monster. It's still pretty rough, but funny...kind of like Funny Man!
Victoria, what brought you to the world of cosplay?
I went to the very first Wizard World Philadelphia convention years ago and saw people there dressed in costume. The ones that were most memorable to me were a couple dressed as Harley Quinn and the Joker and a model who was dressed as Wonder Woman. That was the first time I had seen cosplayers in person. A few years later (in 2006) I saw a picture online of a beautiful Japanese woman dressed as Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2. I was so impressed by the quality of the costume (as well as the photography) that I decided to try it for myself and have been cosplaying ever since.
What are your favorite characters to perform?
That would have to be Catwoman. She's smart, sassy, sexy and dangerous. I am very comfortable walking around as Selina. I'm alot like her and I feel like I look the most like her out of all my characters.
How has been the reaction to your work?
OMG it's been insane! It's to the point where I can't take a few steps at a convention or a show without being stopped. I'm still not use to people I don't know yelling my name out for a photo or because they want to talk to me. I've been the subject of so much amazing fan art and have been featured on many websites. This year I was named "The Queen of Cosplay" by two Japanese websites. My work in cosplay has also lead to amazing career opportunities. I became an official Slave Leia model for Gentle Giant Studios and have the pleasure of working at the San Diego Comic Con every year. Entertainment Weekly did an entire story on me getting ready for Comic Con and I was hired by a website to cosplay Japanese pop star Hatsune Miku. I also get free access to certain shows which is very, very cool and have made friends with some incredible people within the industry.
What comic book, science fiction, or fantasy universe holds the most sway with you?
That's an easy answer; the DC Universe. I grew up watching the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman series, the Tim Burton Batman movies and the Christopher Reeves Superman films. I've been a fan of DC since I was nine years old. They have the most iconic characters in comics and words can't express my love for them.
If people wanted to find out more about you, where should they go?
Oh I'm all over the internet My official website is:
I also have a Facebook Fan Page at:
a Twitter account:
My Blog:
Deviant Art:
and Flickr:
What does the future hold for you?
Next year I will be shooting with some of the best cosplayers in the country! I'm very excited about that! I'll be attending the Wizard World Philly, San Diego Comic Con and Dragon Con next year. If I attend anymore shows I will post in on the web. I'll also be featured in the Filipino edition of FHM Magazine soon and working on more modeling. Hopefully I can squeeze a brand new costume in there too!
The evil occult master Funny Man! (more Ectovision madness!)
In this demo clip, Zghost confers with Dark Dominator about the evil occult master Funny Man!
Steve Guynn is the evil Eye Triad monster, I play Z ghost, Claude Miles is Dark Dominator, and Stacey Gillespie is the nasty Funnyman! I guess if Z ghost is a homage parody to the phantom, and Dark Dominator is a hippie Dark knight...Funny Man is a combination of the Joker and Felix Faust. The Magma Atomic sequence with Vesta Blanka was actually shot in late 2007 for my film, Queen of the Cursed World, and it didn't fit there but works perfectly in the crazy universe of spandex and monster. It's still pretty rough, but funny...kind of like Funny Man!
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