David Brown and Obscura

David Brown and Obscura

Obscura by David Brown

On this edition of Spandex and Monster, we meet comic book writer David Brown and his unique comic book collection Obscura.  From all appearances it looks pretty cool, and I thought I would share it with everyone in Spandex and Monster.

Who are you and what do you do to the man on the street? 

My name is David M. Brown. I'm head writer and EIC of Fifth Dimension Comics. We make comics other people are afraid to make. Picture the weirdness of Twin Peaks mixed with your favorite horror movie in comic form...that's what we do.

David M. Brown

What brought you into comics? 

I've been into comics since I was a kid. The first book I ever picked up was an issue of 'The Punisher'. I was an odd little kid and I think I was drawn to that big white skull. He's still my favorite comic character! Comics, to me, are simply the best way to present stories. Both visual and mental simultaneously. There is nothing else like it.

What is Obscura?  

Obscura: Collected Edition is a book we've worked on non-stop for over a year. Artist D.N.S. and I started doing these short stories that were just too weird or horrifying to put anywhere else. We ended up REALLY liking them and consider them our best work to date. Four single issues of Obscura have been published and we decided to hit Kickstarter to make the collected edition special. The book has 18 of our very best short tales ranging in genre from weird fiction to conspiracy to straight up horror.

Page from 'Jonesy', art by D.N.S. (from the Kickstarter preview of Obscura)

If folks wanted to know more about you where would they go?

 We are on Twitter and Facebook but the best place to go is our Kickstarter page for Obscura: Collected Edition. There you'll get samples and have a chance to back the book and make it a reality! 

David Brown on Facebook

Fifth Dimension Comics on Twitter

Thank you David Brown and Fifth Dimension Comics!


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