Terror at Crimson Creek

Terror at Crimson Creek

Terror at Crimson Creek is a new found footage horror film by Justus League Films.  Director Cherokee Hall did a Roger Corman by shooting the main bulk of the film just under 36 hours.  It was a lot of fun, a lot of hard work, and of course several roadblocks by some actor/production gremlins always makes the process interesting.  The amazing cool thing is we got the film in the can with a large cast, incredible sequences, and an awesome film when the smoke clears.  Besides production side, I did a brief cameo as a sinister guard of an insane asylum.  I also shot a behind the scenes short.  Here are some of pics I took on set as well as some frame grabs.  Worth a look for fans of Spandex and Monster.

Director Cherokee Hall going over a shot with the actors

Michael Vaughn setting up a camera shot

setting up an action shot
yours truly as a sinister guard in between doing production work

The actors who played the evil men of 'Stash' and 'Red River' show up as inmates in Terror at Crimson Creek

found a witch doll on set...had to put it into a video!
more action planning

the gore the merrier!

setting up a shot that I helped out on..

calm before the storm!
find out more about the film click on the link...


Here is that behind the scenes short I did

And a little bit of fun with halloween masks and dolls lying around...spook show...enjoy!

Subscribe, rate, and of course spread the word about Spandex and Monster.  Welcome to all of the new viewers world wide!


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