Terror at Crimson Creek

fury Terror at Crimson Creek Terror at Crimson Creek is a new found footage horror film by Justus League Films. Director Cherokee Hall did a Roger Corman by shooting the main bulk of the film just under 36 hours. It was a lot of fun, a lot of hard work, and of course several roadblocks by some actor/production gremlins always makes the process interesting. The amazing cool thing is we got the film in the can with a large cast, incredible sequences, and an awesome film when the smoke clears. Besides production side, I did a brief cameo as a sinister guard of an insane asylum. I also shot a behind the scenes short. Here are some of pics I took on set as well as some frame grabs. Worth a look for fans of Spandex and Monster. Director Cherokee Hall going over a shot with the actors Michael Vaughn setting up a camera shot setting up an action shot yours truly as a sinister guard in between doing production work The acto...