Elske McCain and Ouija board magic
Actress/model/director Elske Mccain |
Actress/director Elske McCain (Jessicka Rabid) is working on a horror film that has the ouija board as a central theme. I'm excited to see the results of her film when it gets into production phase. At the moment, she is working on the script in between her other projects.
Elske with a ouija board in a haunted hotel |
Above is a promo shot she did while in a haunted hotel congress where they caught the Dillinger gang. Oddly enough Elske reminds me of Majorie Cameron, the wife of occultist/JPL founder Jack Parsons who was an artist, actress, and continued Parson's work into the occult. I believe art/music/dreams and magic at the essence are one and the same, and if so Elske is a powerful magician. I'm excited to see her film when it gets off the ground.
Her last film was the controversial film Jessicka Rabid which was an old school grind house film, so I'm definitely interested in her take on the ouija board horror film.
Jessicka Rabid |
Why does the ouija board have such a strong connection to horror? A common staple of horror movies and fiction, the ouija board actually operates on a the idea of summoning a spirit for communication. In a horror film, the spirit evoked and it turns out to be a malicious spirit intent on bodily or spiritual harm.
The popular horror films witchboard dealt with ouija gone wrong |
Ouija Board
Although the basic concepts of the summoning are as old as cavemen, the ouija board as it known now was introduced by businessman Elijah Bond in 1890. Essentially a wooden board with letters and numbers with a planchette (or pointer) is given to the user and the spirit causes the placard to move, eventually spelling words and communication with another realm of spirits. Although marketed as a harmless parlour game at its release, it was first widely used as a seance tool during World war I. Although a popular game, there have been people who think there is more at work with the ouija than mere games or parlor tricks. Is there an occult connection? Mainstream science has debunked and dismissed communication as a self deceptive trick when the planchette is moved. However many argue there is something more at work besides mere game play. Most occultists also warn that to use a ouija board without precautions is inviting chaos to tragedy,
UFO researcher John Keel argued there were old spirits of the earth called Ultraterrestrials and when interacting with humanity...there was a cruel prankster side to the ultraterrestrials, hence occultists who swear they have gone to the lush jungles of Venus or observing the earth from a summoned UFO only to have their story fall apart to ridicule and laughter. Either through magic, or by a game by Parker brothers, summoning a creature into our realm is always a potent recipe for mild to extreme chaos.
Elske McCain on Twitter
Marjorie Cameron
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