Conrad Brooks and Jan-Gel

Jan-Gel, Beast from the East! Conrad Brooks and Jan-Gel Conrad Brooks is known most for his participation in Ed Wood films (Plan 9 from Outer Space, Night of the Ghouls, and Glen or Glenda) as well other early cult film (Beast of Yucca Flats) before retiring only to rediscovered in the 80's and has since been working on many films, including several of my films (Purvos, Zeppo: Sinners from beyond the moon!, Soul Robbers from OuterSpace). Conrad has directed several films, and the best known are the Jan Gel films. A young Conrad with Bela Lugosi the original Dracula Directed with a nod to the iconic Plan 9 from outerspace, Jan Gel is a frozen monster man now awake to cause mischief in the modern era. Jan-Gel getting ready to do more mayhem! Jan-Gel fights a rubber snake in a classic so bad its good sequence The quirky film was shot with no budget, non actors in roles, and has a 'take it or leave it' feeling with its film, yet despite it all the film...