Truth or Dare IV, Tim Ritter, and Girl / girl scene season 3

Truth or Dare IV from filmmaker Tim Ritter Truth or Dare IV, a Tim Ritter film I had an awesome time doing a small cameo for Tim Ritter's Truth or Dare IV, playing a psycho husband murdering my wife in a hot tub via electricity. The Truth or Dare series by Tim Ritter are often imitated never duplicated, and a must for the indie horror fan. It was a fun and crazy film, and a subversive take on the whole 'I must be a celeb at all costs' which is now a part of pop culture. It also stars Heather Price, Casey Miracle, Billy Blackwell, and Mike Holman. Billy Blackwell and Casey Miracle about to do deadly dares A sadistic man played by Mike Holman Worth a look for spandex and monster fans. To buy it, click here.. He's at work for the next one of madness...check out the new site here. Girl/Girl scene season 3 A scene from Girl/girl scene season 2 Working at a local comic con recently, I ran into Nic Brown, producer of the web s...