Alan Moore, superheroes and the occult

Watchmen, and possible parallel universe

Few can deny comic book writer Alan Moore, has altered the shape of comic books (much to his chagrin), and now it is common to see a 'superhero' film aimed at adults or tackling adult themes.  His work is primarily focused on the comic book medium, and after finding himself in legal hassles over the idea of league of extraordinary of gentlemen where a 'hollywood' producer claimed Moore stole his idea for a film, Moore swore off all things cinema and hollywood (it's not uncommon for him to remove his name from any cinema adaption of his works).  Primarily, Moore focuses on his work in the comic book medium.

writer and occultist Alan Moore
Moore also is into the occult and lists himself as a ceremonial magician and uses these techniques in his writings.  Primarily he believes in the concept of 'idea space' whereas the concept of characters and interaction give birth to the writings of the writer, ie, there are now parallel worlds where the watchmen exist and V for Vendetta is not a comic book universe, rather a real universe.  Somewhat controversial, it still can hold up when the discussion turns to the esoteric aspects of M theory, string theory, and the parallel universes concept of quantum mechanics.  It also brings up the old the dream dreaming of us, or are we dreaming the dream?
Marvel man reworked by Moore as 'Miracleman'

Moore continues his work in comic books.  His first real work to get notice was his work on Miracle Man (A retelling of a captain marvel retread in England called Marvel man but renamed to avoid copyright issues with Marvel comics).  Moore brought human agony and pathos to the superhero mythos and brought a sympathetic light to the archvillian.  He would continue these themes in the killing Joke, and the watershed moment in comics, the watchmen.

Moore, along with Frank Miller and others in the fields of comic books(Jim Shooter, Mike Grell, and Denny O'Neil among many many others), brought a maturity to the comic book field and it changed it forever.


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