Kevin Strange and Dead Shit

Kevin Strange Two things pop in mind when you think of filmmaker/writer/actor/blogger Kevin is that he is full of life and has strong opinions about well everything, and the other is that he is constantly working on a new project or incorporating an old project into some new. Kevin is working on a comic book called Dead Shit where he writes and draws it, and it is based upon his multiverse of projects...think Marvel Comics with an edge and metal music by way of Burzum(well OK, I'm not sure if Kevin is a fan, but hey any chance I get to talk about Burzum I'll take). One thing definitely comes through about Kevin Strange, and that he is a creative jack of all trades with a serious work ethic. So with further ado, here is Kevin Strange! Where did Dead Shit come from? Dead Shit by Kevin Strange DEAD SHIT was the second film I wrote and directed way back in 2007. My first film DREAM REAPER was more of a proof of concept project. I wanted to see ...