Space Patrol and Astro Space Hero

Space heroes Buzz Cory and Space Cadet Happy in the television show 'Space Patrol' Space Patrol Space Patrol originally was created for television as a daily show for children in 1950 from L.A. with a running time of 15 minutes. This format proved popular, and after being picked up by ABC, some 900 episodes were cranked out. The episode length then expanded to 30 minutes. For the remaining 210 episodes this was the format length before the series ended in 1955. Space Patrol was a popular spin off in radio, comics, and merchandise connected to the show. A cast photo of Space Patrol The show was created by Williams 'Mike' Moser who wanted to bring the excitement of Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers cinema of his youth to children of the 1950's. Production of the show was very primitive compared to modern standards. All of the shows were performed 'live', and if there was a mistake the cast would keep going on as if they were performing a ...