Apollo 20... secret mission for moon aliens?

EBE aka 'Mona Lisa' Apollo 20... secret mission for moon aliens? The last manned mission to the moon was Apollo 17. Budget concerns grounded the last three Apollo flights. That's the official version, but there had been grumblings for years afterward about NASA and some funny business on the moon. Apollo 20 Sometime about in 2007 a man who identified himself as Rutledge started posting youtube videos of his alleged involvement in a secret mission to explore an ancient alien space craft on the moon. Apollo 18 was a trial run, and Apollo 19 was lost to tragedy with an impact with meteorite. Apollo 20 was a secret mission to explore the alien space craft supposedly spotted by Apollo 15. Allegedly this was a secret operation with Russia to explore this alien space craft, thought to be at least several thousands of years old. This mission was launched in secret and once there the Apollo astronauts found an alien pilot aboard the derelict spac...