"The Flying Man" superhero horror film hybrid

"The Flying Man" superhero horror film hybrid 'The Flying Man' by Marcus Alqueres Superheroes in society have been deconstructed since the 80's with Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns and Alan Moore's iconic, The Watchmen. Troubling questions pop up when a creature with fantastic power has a loose or murky moral center is dispensing 'justice' in society. Taken away from the moralistic eras of the past, a superhero in modern times could be considered a horror element to contemporary audiences. What if an alien with fantastic powers showed up and silently dispensed justice with no remorse? The moral murkiness of 'might makes right' which is now a part of the contemporary super hero tale in comic books. It was only a matter of time that the this moral murkiness could lead into a superhero/horror which is the subject of the short film by special effects artist Marcus Alqueres called 'The Flying Man' Boasting cool sp...