Ingo Swann's strange telepathy

Ingo Swann's strange telepathy Ingo's book which first run printing can run up to 1000 dollars The late Ingo Swann, one of the first members of the then classified 'stargate' project, decided to use his method of coordinate based remote viewing on something other than mundane objects. Ingo as a lark decided to do a telepathic target of the planet Jupiter, and noted of the ring of Jupiter and other anomalies that were later confirmed by NASA pioneer probe. This feat attracted some in the intelligence field, and his strange journey was documented in his book, Penetration. one of the architects of remote viewing, Ingo Swann After this feat, he was contacted by the mysterious 'Axelrod' who asked him to do remote readings. Supposedly Swann did a read of the moon, and to his shock and horror found a huge number of aliens and their structures on the far side of the moon. Swann also noted that the creatures were also psionic. Later interactions with Axelrod from an...