Shauna Tackett and 'Bad Hare Day'

In this episode of Spandex and Monster we meet actress and model Shauna Tackett. She is now branching out into filmmaking with her film Bad Hare Day. So without further ado, here is Shauna Tackett! Tell us about yourself, in a nutshell to the guy on the street what is it that you do. I make no budget independent horror films, shorts and features. I write, direct, and star in the films and sometimes also work as the camera operator and editor. And occasionally act in other friends' movies. What made you branch into film making? I've been interested in acting since I was a kid. I think around age 15 I started writing my first horror script. I found out later that other people in kentucky make low budget and no budget films, so I figured..,why can't I do it too? photo by David Goodfellow What's the story behind bad hare day? It starts out with a kid who is severely bullied and bad things always happen to him on Easter, he gets put in an instituti...