Aleister Crowley, grey aliens, and scientologist L. Ron Hubbard

I did an article for UFO digest some time back about the connection with notorious occultist and cultural icon Aleister Crowley. It turns out that the wickedest man alive may have had connections with the creature that may or may not be the 'grey' alien which is now the popular image of aliens. Here is the popular image of occult explorer Crowley Here is the 'otherworldly' creature that had contact with Crowley circa 1917. The picture that Crowley drew has obvious similiarties with the popular 'grey aliens' in current UFO mythos. Here is a link to that article in ufo digest. A little known fact is that one of Crowley's disciples was the future scientology guru L. Ron Hubbard. Despite many spin articles and denials about it otherwise after his passing, L. Ron was quite frank in his admiration of Crowley, and certainly the idea of aliens affecting humanity as a basic concept for ...